Entries posted by repat

Setup XMPP Chat server for cruise ship WiFis without Internet

Posted on 19. Januar 2024 Comments

This will be useful if you’re on a cruise with friends or family but don’t want to pay the excessive fees for the onboard WiFi internet. If you’re going transatlantic or transpacific, it’s also possible that internet isn’t available 100% of the time or it’s super slow during the day. It’s much easier to just leave your MacBook running in your cabin and install one of many popular free & open source XMPP clients from the AppStore / Google Play Store, such as

These also support OTR and/or OMEO encryption, which only work on one device per user though.

As an XMPP server, I’ve used Prosody.

  1. To install with MacOS, use homebrew: brew tap prosody/prosody && brew install prosody
  2. Follow the prosody documentation to create a self signed certificate: https://prosody.im/doc/certificates. Use a .local domain.
  3. Depending on the WiFi, you might have to change from the default XMPP ports to some you’re allowed to use without purchasing internet access. These usually include 80 (HTTP), 443 (HTTPS) and 53 (DNS), as they can usually be accessed to purchase the internet in the first place (landing page, credit card details page etc). Prosody also has documentation for this under https://prosody.im/doc/http.
  4. Add your users manually with prosodyctl adduser johndoe@nomadcruise.local and give them random passwords
  5. Start prosody with prosodyctl start

Default Filter in Laravel Nova

Posted on 20. Februar 2023 Comments

There is currently no way to use a Filter for a Resource in the default view. However, for the desired outcome, it’s possible to use a combination of the Nova indexQuery method and Laravels global scopes.

  1. Create a scope with the desired default filter: php artisan make:scope DefaultFilterScope
  2. Use this scope in the indexQuery method of the Nova Resource like so:
    public static function indexQuery(NovaRequest $request, $query) { return $query->withGlobalScope(DefaultFilterScope::class, new DefaultFilterScope); }
  3. In the other Filters for this Resource, add $query = $query->withoutGlobalScope(DefaultFilterScope::class); in the first line of the apply method, to remove the Global Scope added in the indexQuery method, and just use whatever the Filter does.


404 with content using basic auth with nginx

Posted on 19. Juli 2022 Comments

When using e.g. Laravel Forge you can create a section of the website that’s restricted and uses HTTP Basic Access Authentication for access control. When the credentials aren’t entered correctly, the server returns a 401 error.

Basic Authentication prompt

However, when you would like to restrict a section that’s part of an application, whatever rules you defined in your /etc/nginx/sites-available/domain.tld.conf you have to now add to the new location section.


On a staging server, you want to restrict access to /register and /login. Head to servers/X/sites/Y/security URL by clicking on the server, then select a site and click on „Security“. These entries create 2 files in /etc/nginx/forge-conf/domain.tld/server where ID is the ID you can see in Forge..

  • .htpasswd-ID
  • protected_site-ID.conf
Security Rules in Laravel Forge

However, when you now navigate to e.g. /login and enter your credentials, you will see a 404 for /login in the debug console. A request has been made and returned the content – just with the wrong status code. This is happening because there is no file called „login“ in the webserver public folder and nginx hasn’t been instructed to use PHP for this particular location.

tl;dr: You need to add this line to the location entry in the .conf files:

try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

The whole file now looks like this:

location /register {
auth_basic "Restricted Area";
auth_basic_user_file /etc/nginx/forge-conf/domain.tld/server/.htpasswd-42;
try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?$query_string;

Send private end-to-end encrypted Broadcast notifications with Laravel through Pusher

Posted on 22. August 2021 Comments

Pusher Channels allow an end-to-end (e2e) encrypted mode for their private channels. If you’re using Pusher as the BROADCAST_DRIVER in Laravel, it’s easy to enable this not only for broadcasted events but also notifications, so you can ->notify() the user without enabling Pusher to see what the content of the message is.

This is assuming you set up the authentication callback routes/broadcasting.php and it’s reachable (by default under /broadcasting/auth.)

  1. Add receivesBroadcastNotificationsOn() for the Notifiable Model (e.g. User)
    public function receivesBroadcastNotificationsOn()
        // `private-` is added automatically
        return 'encrypted-App.Models.User.' . $this->id;

The default implementation would be for a normal (not e2e) private channel and just return the FQCN in dot notation, followed by the Model ID.

Simply adding encrypted- before the channel name you now choose (or stick with the default suffix as above) will signal to Laravel to encrypt the messages before sending them out to pusher.

2. Add a shared key to config/broadcasting.php

'options' => [
                'cluster' => env('PUSHER_APP_CLUSTER'),
                'useTLS' => true,
                'encryption_master_key_base64' => env('PUSHER_APP_E2E_MASTER_KEY_BASE64'),

The end2end encryption is done synchronously with a shared key, stored base64 encoded. Of course, it’s important to keep this key secret. This encryption does not provide PFS, meaning, if the key ever leaks all old messages can be decrypted. Therefore, it’s probably a good idea to rotate it regularly or possibly not even use the same key for every user by manually changing the config before sending the message.

You can securely generate a key on the commandline or use PHP:

// Commandline
$ openssl rand -base64 32

// PHP

3. Client side

The client side using a pusher library recognizes the private-encrypted prefix. On successful authentication against /broadcasting/auth (or your custom authentication route) the shared key is transmitted in the response and used by the client to decrypt messages sent on that channel. You don’t need to worry about key distribution.

4. Double Check in the pusher.com debug console

You should only be able to see the none and the cyphertext, but not the plaintext message. If you do, something isn’t setup correctly yet.

5. Misc

The event for notifications to listen to is .Illuminate\\Notifications\\Events\\BroadcastNotificationCreated – don’t forget the . in front of it.

Laravel Nova: Move cards in Resource Detail View

Posted on 3. August 2021 Comments

Laravel Nova currently (v.3.27.0) doesn’t allow for custom cards to be moved to a different position in the resource detail page. Cards and Metrics appear always on top of the resources details.

However, while a bit dirty, a solution can be to let it load that way and then use Javascript to cut and paste the div somewhere else like so:

  1. Give the card an id
    <card class="flex flex-col justify-center" id="custom-card">

2. Use vanilla JS to move it underneath the first div with the name of the resource + detail-component for the dusk attribute

let customCard = document.querySelector('#custom-card');
        if(customCard) {
            let anotherComponent = document.querySelector('div[dusk=resourcename-detail-component]');
            if(anotherComponent) {
            } else {
                console.error('Could not find another resourcename detail component')

Autoload class alias order in Laravel tinker

Posted on 12. Juli 2021 Comments

When using tinker or tinkerwell without use statements or FQCN it tries to guess which class you mean by going through the autoloaded classes alphabetically. This might not be the class you most often used though, e.g. it is more likely I’d like to use App\Models\User, not the Livewire component of the same name.

$ tinker
UserPsy Shell v0.10.8 (PHP 8.0.8 — cli) by Justin Hileman
>>> User::first()
[!] Aliasing 'User' to 'App\Http\Livewire\User' for this Tinker session.

PHP provides the class_alias function but e.g. writing your own Service Provider for this will not work.

class ClassAliasesProvider extends ServiceProvider
     * Class Aliases defaults for tinker / tinkerwell.dev
     * @return void
    public function boot()
        class_alias(User::class, 'User');

Instead, add your classes to the array in config(‚app.alias‘).

        // other default Laravel aliases
        'View' => Illuminate\Support\Facades\View::class,

        // Better autoloading for tinker / tinkerwell
        'User' => \App\Models\User::class,

The next time loading up tinker / tinkerwell, it will use the correct alias.

How to install curl with HTTP/3 and QUIC support on MacOS

Posted on 20. November 2020 Comments

Even if curl is installed via homebrew and not the MacOS default it does not automatically support HTTP/3 & QUIC. You will get this error message:

$ curl -vs --http3 https://quic.rocks:4433
option --http3: the installed libcurl version doesn't support this

After reading https://github.com/cloudflare/quiche/issues/319 and fiddling around with it a arrived at this solution:

$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cloudflare/homebrew-cloudflare/master/curl.rb
$ brew uninstall curl
$ brew install --HEAD -s curl.rb # takes a while
$ curl --version
curl 7.74.0-DEV
$ curl -vs --http3 https://quic.rocks:4433

Contribute to wappalyzer

Posted on 20. Mai 2020 Comments

Wappalyzer is an open source website analyzer written in node.js. It basically just parses a big json file and uses regular expressions to find patterns in websites HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Server Headers.

  1. Fork the repository https://github.com/AliasIO/wappalyzer
  2. Clone the fork to your computer
  3. Install Docker
  4. ./run links
  5. Write Regex
  6. Check with regex101.com or similar tool
  7. Add valid json to apps.json
  8. Add a 32×32, 64×64 PNG or SVG to the icons folder
  9. Commit to another branch on your fork
  10. Push
  11. Create Pull Request, showing that it’s a relevant project: 1k+ stars on GitHub, Pages using it etc

I just created a pull request for Alpine.js, A rugged, minimal framework for composing JavaScript behavior in your markup, that I like to pull in when Vue or React would be overkill.

Deploy with envoyer and artisan

Posted on 20. Mai 2020 Comments

I just revived JustParks Envoyer Deploy package and updated it for Laravel 5.5+ (handle() and fire() – both work now), 6 and 7. I haven’t written it, so all the credit goes to Dayle Rees/JustPark.

Updated envoyer:deploy package on packagist

As you can tell from the README, Install like so:

composer require repat/envoyer-deploy --dev

Then publish the config file by executing this and selecting the number that says JustPark\Deploy\ServiceProviders\EnvoyerServiceProvider.

php artisan vendor:publish

In the envoyer.php config file, fill in the unique ID that comes after the /deploy in the link you can find in the Deployment Hooks tab in envoyer, e.g. https://envoyer.io/deploy/4aLDdfsfsd4s6fSzeKGNfakekey75R45wOwTQULEDJNrj

You can now deploy with

php artisan envoyer:deploy

Sourcecode for repat/envoyer-deploy on GitHub