Entries posted by repat

One Click Shadowsocks with no technical knowledge needed

Posted on 23. November 2017 Comments

Shadowsocks is a proxy that has been designed and used to circumvent censorship in China. So if it’s possible to get traffic across the Great Firewall of China it pretty much can be used anywhere, e.g. Egypt where VPNs are blocked since mid 2017.

Digital Ocean offers virtual servers for cheap with an easy to understand pricing model. Basically you pay either $5, $10, $20, $40, $80 or $160 per month, for more have a look at pricing at digitalocean.com. These server are general purpose servers, you can do everything with them, which also means, they don’t have anything installed and you need to do everything yourself.

oneclickshadowsocks.de is a service to install shadowsocks on DigitalOcean servers without having to actually login via SSH and entering lots of technical commands in the commandline. It uses the DigitalOcean API to create a Droplet (=server) with shadowsocks already set up and running. All you have to do is to enter the IP address you get via e-mail in your shadowsocks client and the password given to you on the website.

The code is open source and the website itself is hosted on GitHub Pages, which means, you can see the sourcecode of the page itself, running at that very moment. This way other people can verify they nothing shady is going on.

Commandline: Which programs are using network connection

Posted on 29. August 2017 Comments

lsof -P -i -n | cut -f 1 -d " " | uniq

lsof – list open files
-P list port numbers instead of service names
-i list all network files
-n IP addresses instead of host names

cut – cut output
-f specifies fields, separated in the input by the field delimiter character (-d)
-d delimiter

uniq – filters out repeated lines

Backup 2 harddrives with rsync

Posted on 24. August 2017 Comments


rsync -a -v -P --delete -h --stats /media/repat/hdd1/ /media/repat/hdd2


rsync -a -v -P --delete -h --stats /Volumes/hdd1/ /Volumes/hdd2


-a all (-r, -l, -t, -p, -g, -o, -D)
-v verbose
-P show progress and continue partial transfers
–delete delete extraneous files from destination dirs
–stats give some file-transfer stats

Note: the last / after hdd1 is important, so the contents of hdd1 are written directly into hdd2. If you forget, there will be a new folder called hdd1 in the folder hdd2


Delete empty rows in CSV file with sed

Posted on 23. August 2017 Comments

This is for when you have empty lines (so lot’s of ,,,,,,) in your file.


sed -i '' -e '/^,*$/d' filename.csv
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i '' -e '/^,*$/d' {} \;


sed -i '/^,*$/d' filename.csv
find ./ -type f -exec sed -i '/^,*$/d' {} \;


^ marks the beginning of a line
,* marks a possible infinite amount of commas
$ marks the end of a line

SPLTypes in PHP on Uberspace

Posted on 14. August 2017 Comments

To get SPLTypes like SplEnum on Uberspace you have to follow their Wiki and install the PECL module for it:

uberspace-install-pecl SPL_Types

You will then get the message:

Error: make failed - please contact hallo@uberspace.de for help!
We have left the build directory /tmp/tmp.G0COZLlxLp in place.

You have to contact the team at hello@uberspace.de and they will install it for your manually.

Scuba Diving on Gran Canaria Overview

Posted on 4. Juli 2017 Comments

One of the best destinations for Scuba Diving in Europe are the Canary Islands. There are quite a number of dive centers on the island. This is a compiled list, which shows Name, Homepage, Diving Associations, whether or not they offer Technical Diving (+Rebreathers), how far you can get certified (Divemaster, Instructor etc) and what Specitalties they offer.
There are a couple more dive centers but I only listed those that the official list of the Gobierno de Canarias because those are definitely legal. There might be others who didn’t make it onto the list yet and operate with a temporary license (so they are legal) but it’s hard to tell.

Scuba Diving Centers Gran Canaria

Feel free to let me know if I made mistakes or you want to add a divecenter/course.

I can personally recommend diving with Leagues Ahead Diving in Maspalomas.