Entries tagged foss

Minimal Open Source Flashlight

Posted on 1. Januar 2014 Comments

Nachdem OI Flashlight bei mir nicht funktioniert habe ich gestern Nacht kurzerhand entschloßen mal AIDE auszuprobieren und mir meine eigene Taschenlampen App zu schreiben. Stellt sich raus, dass das garnicht so schwer ist. Der Developer Account bei Google kostet $25 und ist super einfach zu bedienen. Details folgen noch.

update: Ich habe eine Version für Smartphones mit Android < 4.0 hochgeladen. Je nach Androidversion wird automatisch die richtige App ausgewählt.


Market Link

Google Play

Get it on Google Play


APK SHA1SUM(15 Jan 2014/v 1.0.2)

$adb pull /data/app/de.repat.mosf-2.apk
$sha1sum de.repat.mosf-2.apk
  • c5b311b6d85ab1f4e3e99fe3bdcfc4f104a4a375 for 4.0+
  • 1db8ad27f07f60dc843eefb3df6a7ee35f1fd880 for < 4.0


Droid-Break – high quality alternatives to proprietary Android apps

Posted on 23. Oktober 2013 Comments

After the NSA scandal 2013 the website prism-break.org got a little famous for recommending software, that would help keeping snooping intelligence services out of your private conversations. There are a couple of proprietary solutions, because there are just no alternatives but it’s mostly free and open source software(FOSS). While the disclaimer says „this site will not guarantee that 100% of your communications will be shielded against surveillance states“ it’s probably the best you can do. So that got me thinking and I created droid-break.info.

Prism-break.org lists a couple of Android apps, but only to security related issues such as encryption. Droid-Break is about FOSS apps in general because – as it turned out – for most of the apps we use everyday there is a good alternative FOSS solution. Most of the apps are in the F-Droid app store so you don’t have to rely on Google doing no evil.

The list includes the following categories: Browser, Social Networks, Messenger, VoIP, Audio/Podcasts, Video, Email, Notes, News Reader, File Manager, Navigation, Keyboards, Cloud, and a category for misc app that didn’t fit anywhere else.

If you have any suggestions, write a comment, an e-mail, tweet @repat123 or @droidbreak or fork the project on github.

Btw, it’s kindly hosted by neocities.org 🙂