Entries tagged nodemon

Morsecode As A Service: node.js app with restify and Heroku

Posted on 22. Januar 2015 Comments

I wanted to play around with node.js and REST APIs. Heroku is widely used for deploying node.js app, last but not least because they give you one free instance to test your code and the possibility to use your own domain name (via CNAME).

Until now the code is rather trivial. This for example is the encode function (plaintext->morsecode). It uses the npm module morse to encode the given string in the request parameters and returns it with the plaintext in an array. The requests are handled by restify.
function encode(req, res, next) {
var answer = {}
answer.plaintext = req.params.string.toUpperString();
answer.morsecode = morse.encode(req.params.string);

This function gets called later here.
server.get('/encode/:string', app.encode);

This starts the server on the port from the Heroku instance.
var port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
server.listen(port, function() {
console.log('%s listening at %s', server.name, server.url);

The decode function is equivalent, except that I test if there are only „.“, „-“ and white spaces in the request.

I wrote the documentation with the automatic page generator from GitHub Pages in the repository and so with the following code the user is redirected there when entering the root „/“.


function redirectToDocumentation(req,res,next) {
res.send(302, null, {
Location: API_DOKU

It’s reachable under morsecode-api.de or morsecodeapi.herokuapp.com.