Entries tagged sheet

Most minimal note taking app for Android

Posted on 2. Oktober 2014 Comments

As of September 2014 the smallest (15KB!), most minimalistic app for simply taking notes is called Zen Notes from Peter Gyorffy.

It doesn’t have any features like reminders, changing the theme or font or any other useless stuff. It’s basically like a sheet of paper where you can write your thoughts on, just digitally. The only thing it can do is share the written text over whatever Android offers you, e.g. email. When you exit the app the notes are saved automatically.


Libre Office Calc Makro zum Ersetzen von Sonderzeichen in BASIC

Posted on 22. Mai 2014 Comments

Dieses Makro ersetzt in einem LibreOffice Calc Sheet alle norwegischen Sonderzeichen (å, ø, æ) durch ASCII kompatible Zeichen.


    dim oSheet as object, mySuche as Object
    'erste Tabelle
    oSheet = thisComponent.Sheets.getByIndex(0)
    With mySuche
    .SearchRegularExpression = False
    end With
    With mySuche
    .SearchRegularExpression = False
    end With

    With mySuche
    .SearchRegularExpression = False
    end With
End Sub

Eine Anleitung, wie man das Makro in die Symbolleiste bekommt, findet sich im OpenOffice Wiki.