Entries tagged webcron

Updating Owncloud News App with cron and Uberspace

Posted on 27. November 2013 Comments

Since it’s not possible to create a cronjob with the user the webserver is running under(as advised), I just created a cronjob with my user(crontab -e) and it works just fine.

[repat@uberspace]$ crontab -l
*/15 * * * * /package/host/localhost/php/bin/php -f /home/repat/html/owncloud/cron.php

The problem was the following: owncloud wouldn’t update my news and I didn’t think it was a cron problem, since I couldn’t update it manually(AJAX). Adding new feeds however did work. I still don’t get why manual updating doesn’t work , even with the Android app. Opening cron.php in the webbrowser didn’t work, although it did display {„status“:“success“}..turns out: it has to be called via CLI.

Unfortunately, I get an email every 15 minutes now… To disable that I added this above the cron entry:


Thanks to Raydiation and j-ed for helping me.