Entries tagged list

Scuba Diving on Gran Canaria Overview

Posted on 4. Juli 2017 Comments

One of the best destinations for Scuba Diving in Europe are the Canary Islands. There are quite a number of dive centers on the island. This is a compiled list, which shows Name, Homepage, Diving Associations, whether or not they offer Technical Diving (+Rebreathers), how far you can get certified (Divemaster, Instructor etc) and what Specitalties they offer.
There are a couple more dive centers but I only listed those that the official list of the Gobierno de Canarias because those are definitely legal. There might be others who didn’t make it onto the list yet and operate with a temporary license (so they are legal) but it’s hard to tell.

Scuba Diving Centers Gran Canaria

Feel free to let me know if I made mistakes or you want to add a divecenter/course.

I can personally recommend diving with Leagues Ahead Diving in Maspalomas.

Simple wget crawler for list of files

Posted on 6. August 2015 Comments

This script could be helpful to download a set of files from a webserver, that you don’t have (S)FTP access to. The input file consists of a list of filenames, one name each line.

while IFS= read -r line; do
wget -nc -R --spider $FULLURL
done < "$file"

At first, the first command line argument is saved into the variable file. Then the Webserver address is saved to the WEBSERVER variable. IFS stands for Internal Field Separator. It’s used to read line by line through the file in the while loop that ends in the last line. Inside of the loop, the read line is concatenated with the webserver address into FULLURL. Then, wget is used with the parameters -nc for checking if the file is not already present in the current folder, -R for downloading and –spider for checking the existence on the webserver.

You can find the script on GitHub.

Minimal Mensa Plan

Posted on 9. Dezember 2014 Comments

We’ve been doing a lot of website scraping for a university project latel so I decided a little app to scrape the universitys‘ cantine website for the lunch menu.


A network connection in the main Activity is not allowed so I’m using a private class for that. Once the doInBackground method is over onPostExecute is automatically called.

Luckily the jSoup library which is used for parsing also brings a way download a website for parsing.

Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://speiseplan.studierendenwerk-hamburg.de/de/520/2014/0/").get();

There is only one category class and it contains the date. The dish-description class contains what you will later see in the app. The size is needed for a for-loop later on.

date = doc.select(".category").text();
int maxDishes = doc.getElementsByClass("dish-description").size();

With the next piece of code all the dish descriptions are extracted. The original website contains details about the food (made with alcohol, pork or if it’s vegeterian etc). For blending this out I use a regular expression which filters out:

1 non-word character(\W = an opening bracket), then possibly multiple digits (\d) and non-word characters (\W = commas) and then another non-word character (\W = a closing bracket)

String dish = doc.getElementsByClass("dish-description").get(i).text().replaceAll("(\\W[\\d\\W]*\\W)", " ");

These dishes are then saved together with every second price (the one for students, the other one’s for employees) in a HashMap, which is then added to a list. For recognizing later, the dishes get the key „dish“ and the prices the key „price“.

Once the data extraction is done, onPostExecute is automatically called. The date is set to a TextView above the ListView and a SimpleAdapter is populating the list of HashMaps into the layout

simpleAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(MainActivity.this,
dishList, R.layout.list, new String[] { "dish",
"price" }, new int[] { R.id.text1, R.id.text2 });

Since i’s called Minimal Mensa Plan, no other features (such as caching or selecting a cantine) are available. The app in the Play Store is used for scraping the cantine at the campus Berliner Tor but it might as well be used for others, just by changing the URL. It’s released under the MIT License and available at GitHub.

ext4 Volume mit SliTaz 3.0(stable) mounten

Posted on 29. Februar 2012 Comments

Entweder von pkgs.slitaz.org die Pakete runterladen oder mit tazpkg über die Repositories das Paket linux-ext4 installieren. Dann sollte entweder sofort oder nach modprobe ext4 der mount Befehl funktionieren:

mount -t ext4 /dev/sda1 /mnt/harddisk

Wenn man das permanent haben möchte(z.B. Festplatteninstallation oder eigene Live-CD), natürlich wie gehabt ext4 in /etc/rcS.conf einfügen, bei mir z.B.:

LOAD_MODULES = "e1000 ext4"

Credits to mojo at vanilla.slitaz.org

Alternativen zu kino.to

Posted on 8. Juni 2011

Update: Aufgrund der Google Adsense Richtlinien wurde diese Seite überarbeitet. Es wurden sämtliche Links entfernt und Kommentare ausgeschaltet. Kontaktiert mich doch auf anderem Wege.

Aus gegebenem Anlass

  • movie2k.to(Offline seit Mai 2013)
    • als movie4k.to angeblich wieder online
  • kinofilme.runterladen-gratis.de
  • nox.to
  • burning-series.org
  • movie-blog.org
  • online-moviez.com
  • alluc.org
  • tv-links.cc
  • streamload.in
  • g-stream.in
  • filme-anschauen-kostenlos.de
  • kinokiste.com
  • youprank.de.tl
  • serienjunkies.org
  • anime-loads.org
  • serien.cc
  • onlinecliptv.com
  • all-stream.info
  • moviezonline.tv
  • kino.chill.to
  • flash-moviez.ucoz.org
  • onlinefilme.do.am
  • iload.to
  • streamz2k.com
  • scum.in
  • mov-world.net
  • tvshack.bz
  • cinestream.cc
  • movfilm.net
  • serienjunkies.de
  • anime-stream24.com
  • video2k.tv (Danke, jimlad, s. auch gulli news)
  • kinovz.com (Danke, kinovz)
  • mega-stream.to (Danke, 5even)
  • kostenlos-ansehen.de (nur zum kaufen. Danke, marem)
  • kostenlos-filme-anschauen.de
  • stream-search.de (Danke, Timo)
  • c1neon.com bzw. c1neon.ws (Danke, info)
  • watch-movies-az.com
  • watchseries.eu
  • monsterstream.info
  • moviebox.to
  • cine24.tv
  • filme-anschauen-kostenlos.de
  • hd-box.org
  • mega-stream.to
  • movie-stream.to
  • filme.ucoz.de
  • bbvideos.de
  • loads7.com
  • documentary.net
  • onlinecliptv.com
  • hollywood-streams.com
  • moviezonline.tv
  • 2kino.net (Danke, Anonymous)
  • streams.to (Danke, streams.to)
  • online-schauen.com (Danke, Zönius)
  • kinox.to (Altes Kino.to Design, anscheinend andere Leute)
  • tv-links.eu (Danke, Jannik)
  • Kinokiste.com (Danke, Anton)
  • stream-box.de
  • hd-vidz.com bzw. hd-vidz.net (Danke, HD-Vidz)
  • movstream.info (Danke, HD-Vidz)
  • moviebb.to (Danke, Peter)
  • istream.ws (Danke, Chris bzw. Luisa aus Rio)
  • serienkino.to(Danke, ph0g)
  • film-blog.5x.to(Danke, Alexander)
  • streaming25.com(Danke, Petr)

Dank an:

  • pottwalblog.ch
  • 7777777seven7777777.wordpress.com
  • ahnungslos.ch

(Tips von Lesern fett gedruckt)

Update: kino.to scheint als kinox.to wieder online zu sein, s. kino.to als kinox.to wieder online

update2: Inmoment nicht erreichbar.

update3: Nur ein weiterer Klon im kino.to Format

update4: movie2k.to ist auch offline, s. welt.de

update4.1: als movie4k.to wieder online