Use ssh-agent for remote-sync under MacOS

Posted on 22. Januar 2017 Comments

If you use the IDE with some sort of remote sync/scp/sftp package you can’t just use ssh-keys out of the box, if you set them up with a passphrase (which you should!). Here’s the 3 options most plugins offer:

  1. Use password (unless you disabled the option on the server)
  2. Use ssh-key
  3. Use ssh-agent

The problem with #2 is, that you would have to save your passphrase in a clear-text file which is never a good idea. But you can use the ssh-agent on MacOS the following way:

  1. create a ~/.ssh/config file
  2. add this line: AddKeysToAgent yes
  3. $ ssh-add .ssh/id_rsa
  4. restart atom

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